We tend to the social needs of blind and partially-sighted people in the greater Cape Town area through club meetings and outings, and with particular emphasis on eliminating their loneliness and assisting with their special requirements.
Some say I am disabled,
But you know that isn't true.
I simply have a challenge
A little different from you.
My slight inconvenience, has taught me
Things they could not know.
Each obstacle is a victory,
Enabling me to grow.
I'm not really any different,
I cry, I laugh, I snore.
I don't want to be treated
As if I'm not a person anymore.
Out of good intentions,
People are afraid to let me try.
But sometimes I have to fall,
And sometimes I need to cry.
God gives me strength and dignity,
And the courage to be all I can be.
For He doesn't see me as disabled,
He just sees me as me.
May your visit with us be a truly deepening experience
The Lighthouse Association for the Blind is a registered NON-Profit Organisation NPO 002910
B-BEEE Compliant - Cert. No. NP00287
Public Benefit Organisation PBO No. 18\11\13\4233
(Donation to us are TAX Deductible)
Affiliated to the SA National Council for the Blind.