
Mission Statement

We tend to the social needs of blind and partially-sighted people in the greater Cape Town area through club meetings and outings, and with particular emphasis on eliminating their loneliness and assisting with their special requirements.

Leslie W. Ortega

Some say I am disabled,
But you know that isn't true.
I simply have a challenge
A little different from you.

My slight inconvenience, has taught me
Things they could not know.
Each obstacle is a victory,
Enabling me to grow.

I'm not really any different,
I cry, I laugh, I snore.
I don't want to be treated
As if I'm not a person anymore.

Out of good intentions,
People are afraid to let me try.
But sometimes I have to fall,
And sometimes I need to cry.

God gives me strength and dignity,
And the courage to be all I can be.
For He doesn't see me as disabled,
He just sees me as me.

May your visit with us be a truly deepening experience

The Lighthouse Association for the Blind is a registered NON-Profit Organisation NPO 002910
B-BEEE Compliant - Cert. No. NP00287
Public Benefit Organisation PBO No. 18\11\13\4233
(Donation to us are TAX Deductible)
Affiliated to the SA National Council for the Blind.